Milestones and Recognitions

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Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

During November 2020, Falabella was the only retail company of chilean origin selected to integrate the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), which brings together the leading multinational listed companies in terms of sustainability, based on economic, social and environmental standards. Within the retail category, the firm ranked fifth worldwide.

Likewise, Falabella was selected to be part of other indexes, to which it was invited to participate, being the only Chilean company included in four indexes: World, Emerging Markets, MILA Pacific Alliance and Chile.

The company has developed a sustainable customer-focused strategy, which highlights five priorities that have allowed it to grow responsibly. First, the company is committed to mitigate the impact of its operation on the environment, focused on reducing its carbon footprint and improving on waste and packaging management. Today, a large part of its facilities in the country have energy supply from NCRE (non-conventional renewable energy) sources, several of its business units have LEED certification and are working on circular economy projects focused on reducing the waste disposal on landfills. The company also ensures that the supply chain with which it operates also complies with environmental and social standards.

Additionally, through its social investment programs, focused on education and entrepreneurship, the company supports the development of its communities. Likewise, it has a diversity and inclusion policy across all business units (Falabella Retail, Sodimac, Falabella Financiero, Mall Plaza, Falabella Inmobiliario and Tottus), which creates common standards, structures and processes, which are currently focused on three priorities: gender equity, sexual diversity and effective inclusion of people with disabilities.

For more information click here.


FTSE Russell

S.A.C.I. Falabella was incorporated for the second consecutive year in 2017 to the socially responsible investment index FTSE4Good, which is one of the main international sustainability and corporate responsibility indexes.

Prepared by FTSE Russell, an independent company that belongs to the London Stock Exchange Group, this index considers variables such as environmental management, corporate governance and ethical business management, respect for human and labor rights, as well as the application of labor standards within the supply chain, and is used by investors to identify companies that develop their operations following global sustainability standards.

For more information click here.


Great Place To Work

One of the main objectives of the Falabella Companies is to be a good place to work, promoting a collaborative environment and a healthy balance between personal and work-life. For the same reason, some of the Falabella Companies participate in the Great Place to Work survey, by which we measure ourselves and define subsequent goals as part of our commitment to our collaborators.

For more information click here.