Operational waste is generated as a direct result of the activities and operations of our facilities: stores, including sales floors and backrooms; logistics centers; shopping malls; offices; and bank branches. We are actively committed to improving our management of non-hazardous waste, promoting its reuse and recycling through waste management providers and partnerships with organizations that apply circular economy principles innovatively. For hazardous waste management, our facilities have exclusive storage areas for this type of waste, and we apply procedures and follow-up audits in compliance with current regulations.
We are committed to the ongoing search for sustainable alternatives, promoting best practices in waste management, and ensuring compliance with local regulations in the countries and territories where we operate.
At Falabella, we emphasize the importance of reducing food loss and waste as a crucial opportunity to improve our efficiency in the use of natural resources, reduce our environmental impact, and contribute to the global food security challenges defined by the United Nations and framed within specific SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). We are committed to achieving a 20% reduction in absolute food waste in our supermarket formats Tottus, Hiperbodega, and Superbodega in Chile and Peru by 2025, with 2021 as the baseline.
Food donations are part of our food waste reduction strategy and at the same time contribute to empowerment and local development. We have implemented effective redistribution strategies, reducing losses and actively contributing to the community through partnerships with entities such as Fundación Don Bosco and the Food Bank of Peru, and the Red de Alimentos in Chile.
Innovation to advance the circular economy is one of our key strategies to reduce the use of virgin raw materials and minimize the waste generated by our operations. All of our circularity initiatives aim to involve the community, encouraging the recovery and reuse of materials to prevent them from ending up in landfills and waste dumps.
In our retail businesses, we focus on applying circularity to packaging materials, promoting the reduction of their size and the use of recyclable or recycled materials. In January 2024, Falabella Retail and Falabella.com joined a Clean Production Agreement (Acuerdo de Producción Limpia – APL) for e-commerce packaging along with the Santiago Chamber of Commerce and the Sustainability and Climate Change Agency of the Ministry of the Environment of Chile. This public-private partnership aims to reduce the environmental impact of e-commerce packaging.
Discover Some of the Circularity Initiatives in Our Businesses: